Review process


Yearning adopts a two-level / multi-level audit mode, which can change related usage processes according to actual needs

The executor role can only be specified after multi-level auditing is enabled (please go to the settings page)

If you need to change a multi-level audit to a second-level audit, first make sure that all multi-level audit work orders have been confirmed for execution. Otherwise, the ticket will not be retrieved if it is not executed.

When the multi-level audit is closed, the system will not automatically reset the role of the user who is the executor, please reset the corresponding user role yourself **

Secondary review process

  1. The user submits a work order to the corresponding work order submission unit (DDL, DML) according to the authority he has

  2. After receiving the message, the administrator reviews the work order request on the review work order page and executes / rejects the corresponding work order

  3. Execution records will be recorded under this administrator user

Multi-level review process

  1. The user submits the work order to the corresponding work order submission unit (DDL, DML) according to the authority he has.

  2. After receiving the message, the administrator reviews the work order request and approves / rejects the corresponding work order and selects the corresponding executor (the executor must be a user whose role is the executor)

  3. The executor executes / rejects the work order after receiving it

  4. Execution records will be recorded under the executor user

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